Live your Human Design experiment

Each living being has its unique (energetic) blueprint. What might work for one person does not necessarily work for the other person.  

Human Design is the first and so far only tool that successfully showed that it can bring that uniqueness into conscious and tangible awareness. Since I can remember I have been observing people and kept wondering why they act the way they do. Human Design helped me to answer many of these questions! 

It is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science and can help you to understand the beauty and the power of knowing who you really are. It uses your birth date, time and location to calculate your personal chart. The positions of the Sun, Moon, and the planets at the time of your birth play a significant role about who you are, what your qualities as well as your shadow parts are. 

There is a lot of theory to Human Design, yet the goal is to understand it on a level that you can use this awareness in daily Life. That it can make your Life simply easier, more fluent, less stressful and that you learn to use your energy for the right things. 

Most of us grow up without a strong realization of who we really are (energetically). Our energy fields are influenced by others around us, and we don’t always know what is our personal truth versus what we have been told to believe is Truth. Therefore one of the most powerful aspects of Human Design is to decode deep conditioning we have received through our surroundings consciously or unconsciously.  As a result of this conditioning, we often don’t trust our inner guidance. Human Design is a beautiful tool to actually recognize our innate energetic field and come back to a sense of feeling whole, to deeply understand who you really are and how to operate in a way that is truly aligned with your energy. 

And not only that, Human Design can provide very specific information about diets, the right environment to feel good and thriving as well as your personal motivation in this Life which shapes the way you perceive the world. Even more so knowing your own design and the one of your children and offer you a whole new way of up-bringing. With the knowledge of what your child truly needs on an energetic level.

~Don't punish yourself for thinking that you have to be the best. You never ever have to be the best. You only have to be yourself. If you are yourself, you will be recognized and if you try to be the best you will not.'

Ra uru hu

My offer to you

Over the past year I realized that giving individual readings often overwhelms people and does not serve them in their daily Life in any way! 

Therefore I offer a new, more integrated way to work with human design. 

I offer a 'Process reading' of 3 sessions in total combined with 2 Masterclasses. 

Like this we have the time to truly dive into your unique design as well as provide you with the necessary background information to make sense of the matter. 

Like this, there is time to read the general chart(s), time for integration as well as more deepening questions. I will deepen into the aspect of strategy & authority, since these are the most important aspects to start with. On top of this there is time to go deeper into more specific details like nutrition/diets, supportive enviornments and personal motivation.

These sessions can be for individuals, couples, children or a family.

They can be scheduled in a follow-up of 3 weeks or spread over 2 month/every other week (depending on the personal need and preference) 

In the package included are all three Live Zoom-Sessions, plus 2 Masterclasses of more than 1h, 2 documents with all the details of the readings plus the recordings of the sessions.

I offer a payment range depending on your resources as well as the possibility for a payment plan.

For more info:

  • Katia, J., Luxembourg

    I can use the knowledge of Human Design more and more in my everyday life and it helps me to understand many things like how I function and why I power myself out and am tired in some moments.

    I realize that my husband and I function very differently, and I can laugh about the fact that you are just not made for some things and you are constantly blamed even though you are just not made for it.

    If you knew from the beginning what type I am, then many conflicts would not arise. That if you can recognize the other person and his energetic type so you just don't have to get upset and can accept the other person as he is.

    Something like this could have really come earlier in my life, then we could have simply saved many unnecessary conversations.

  • Jeska Onderwater, Neherlands:

    My HD reading with Franziska was incredibly insightful and has supported a deeper understanding of myself. Since I am a reflector it is not so easy to find in-depth information as my chart is so different from the other types.

    Franziska explained so clearly and lovingly the different aspects of my chart with a wealth of information from which I know I will benefit for a long time. I go back to the recording and notes she shared with me every now and then and it keeps giving me new perspectives.

    Thank you Franziska for this in-depth reading filled with so many nourishing insights!

  • Rilana, Belgium:

    I feel so grateful to dive into this matter and feel such a strong yes in your knowledge. Actually funny to recognize the good feeling comes out of "the waiting for the invitation". Because the human design chart was already in my system for almost a year or so, but didn't felt the yes to dive deeper or to seek help. So things come together for me. Thank you for this opportunity. Your know-how, soft energy and openness are very welcoming 🙏I am slowly taking in the information but in the corner of my eye already curious for a deeper understanding 👀