Rites of Passage


The Initiation into your inner

Mother &Queen

The way we are born into this world and the first years of our Life create the foundation of our reality, our inner voice, the way we relate to ourselves and others.

How we see and step into the world.

The strongest mirror I received was being initiated into Motherhood, it was a difficult yet profoundly healing process for me.

Today I walk with so much clarity, connection, love and self-empowerment on this Earth that I follow my deepest calling to share all my learnings with the human beings that feel called to work with me. I am a transmission of deeper Wisdom.
The Re-membering of the feminine Power through Rites of Passages.

Birth Is an Initiation. Being initiated into Motherhood, can be through literally birthing a child into this world, as we simultaneously give birth to that child's parents and guardians. This incredibly delicate yet powerful metamorphosis is shaped by your beliefs about yourself and your child.

This initiation, can also take place within yourself, as claiming your full power of your inner Mother archetype. The transformation of a flexible and adventurous Maiden to a rooted, heart-centered and reflected Mother.

I am here to inspire you in deeply rooting into your inner Mother and create a holy trinity full of peace & love for your inner child, maiden and mother. As well as, to support you (& your partner) to bring a new Soul on this earth plane in a sacred and conscious way.

'Birthing and raising children is one of the most sacred Acts on this Earth.'

My Mentorship Container is for you…

  • if you are ready to move through a deep transformational process of de-conditioning to work on the Roots and Understand, Rewire

    and Re-connect them in completely new ways

  • if you want to create a deep and loving relationship with your inner child through rooting in your inner Mother

  • This is a long-term investment in Yourself for a lifelong Transformation

  • if you want to be held in a safe container (relaxed nervous system), where we can work on the Essence of your being and we have time to dive into details to have a lasting outcome

  • if you are ready to be seen in your full Power as a Woman and to awaken your Divine Essence

You will be initiated into…

  • a deeper understanding of your own story, your Potential and Purpose to make mature, authentic Life decisions

  • to easily get in touch with the Wisdom of your Heart and Body

  • de-conditioning of unhealthy self-sabotaging Patterns, anchoring a new grounded and confident sense of Self

  • being clear in your boundaries, declaring your needs, and articulating your desires

  • living a present, intentional, and meaningful life that aligns with your values

  • reconnecting with your Essence, and operate out of Self-love, Self-compassion and Self-trust

  • fully embodying your inner Queen , your Mother archetype, with your soft yet vibrant lifeforce energy

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My offer to you!

I am working with Women that hear the deep inner calling to be initiated into their Mother archetype through taking responsibility for their Life and humanity.

This can mean that you are a young Woman that doesn't want to have children yet but wants to claim her inner Mother, a Woman that wants to conceive or has conceived and wants to experience a sovereign pregnancy and birth experience or a mother that couldn't yet find her rooted ground in her role and responsibility as a Mother.

All of you are welcome in this sacred Temple of Womanhood.

Dear Maiden, if you feel the calling to let go of your constant pleasing and fitting in to be seen, loved and appreciated, but you want to start the Journey of claiming your inner power as a Woman. Then this is the right place for you! Trust in yourself, let go of old pleasing patterns, the mask of perfectionism to fit it. Be bold, be too much, dare to be the Woman that you can be!

Dear ‘to-be’ Mother, I am here to support you in the process of conscious conceiving, enjoying a healthy and fulfilling time during pregnancy and preparing the sacred act of birthing. Birthing a new Life is the most crucial moment in a Life of a Human Being and it needs a lot of care and information to know what are the essential aspects and how to create an environment, that this new Soul can land and attach to its Mother in unconditional Love. Unfortunately this pure and Sacred, and most of all powerful moment is often taken away from the Mother and the baby for various reasons.

We can transform worries, fears, doubts and unclarities so this experience, this whole process from conception till birth and beyond can be an integral, self-empowered, sacred experience!

Dear Mama, you are holding a lot, so much! Often much more than we can carry ourselves. It is okay to not be perfect and you don’t need to do it alone. if your ground feels unstable, if the stress is overwhelming, if you feel lonely and as if you have lost yourself, feel welcome. I am here for you to support you, to listen to you, to cry and laugh with you. To support you to birth a new version of yourself, that enjoys to be a Mother and feels powerful, healthy, energetic and joyful.

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This Journey is a Sacred alchemical Initiation into the Life that your heart deeply desires. For you, your Family and the next generations.

My work is based on deeply listening to your story, asking the right questions to uncover shadow places and unconscious ancestral patterns, to heal lineage traumas in the mother and father line as well as bring more awareness into day to day Life.

Through conversations, emotional release practices, body awareness/somatic practices, movement, as well as creative work, journaling or rituals I offer you different tools in your own personal deepening Journey.

Every Mentorship looks different, completely adjusted to your individual needs in the here and now. This is the uniqueness and the power of this Journey!

Throughout this Journey, we will awaken your Mother archetype by mothering your inner child and give her what she needs, as well as your inner Queen to live a life full of potential, grace and flow. Becoming a Vessel of the ever flowing Waters of love.

This inner Rites of Passage provides the fertile ground for a rooted Woman standing strong and powerful on her ground. Unshakeable, unapologetically aligned with her truth, yet soft and open like a rose.

As a foundation of my work and a crystal clear support I am weaving Human Design knowledge into my mentorship.

Our Human Design creates our energetic blueprint upon birth, it clarifies the energy we are carrying in this Lifetime, part of our destiny and our 'definitions', the places where we have constant access of energy (our qualities) as well as our 'openness' , the places where we are vulnerable to conditioning and shadows (our challenges).

As well as the best way how or when to take in nutrition for our best brain functioning, our most suitable environments, that activates our highest potential and much more.

We will use this knowledge as a red threat of reflections and making links to your daily Life, toxic patterns or belief systems to weave together a healthy and supporting Lifestyle. If you want to know more about Human Design; it’s right here.

Practical alignments:

I am offering long-term Mentorships, since I truly believe through my experience, that long lasting transformation can only happen with enough time and not within a 'Quick-fix Coaching'.

Therefore I offer Mentorships for a length of min. 7 months connected to the 7 directions of the sacred medicine wheel of creation:

Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, Mother Earth, Father Sky and our Center/our Heart.

The structure of the Mentorship is open, since I experienced the most powerful transformations picking up on what is present in the here & now without following a predetermined structure. 

We will weave the elements into the sessions.

I am opening a Mentorship with an Opening Ceremony in the first session and a Human Design reading in the second session and from there we will flow together based on your demand and need, which will show itself in any way.

Mainly I am offering daily support through (mostly) voice or text messages (WhatsApp, Telegram or Voxer) and there is the option for a Live session via Zoom every 2 weeks.

(What I find very important to share here is, that I don’t do coaching in a sense that I offer tools and methods, but I am a mentor, an ally that walks alongside you. Therefore I offer daily support and message exchange, to create an intimate and close relationship. Like this I am able to fully support you and you will naturally be initiated to take in that space and claim it for you!)

Additional Support through the Journey:

This Initiation is created to pave a new sacred Lifepath, which means that you will be supported by many magical inspirations, ideas, thoughts, creative works and much more throughout the process.

  • as well there are optional recordings of the Zoom sessions- to have them as Lifetime memory and source of inspiration

  • there is Email and text support available upon request (through Voxer, Telegram or Whatsapp) on weekdays within 24h

  • we will use Human Design as a foundation and guide to re-awaken you true Gifts and Purpose in Life

  • we will create a Clear Motive & Life Design for your Sacred Lifestyle, that fully aligns with you

  • the container can be heId in various languages, I speak German, English and Dutch fluently

*Note: This is a Lifetime investment for Yourself for deep inner shifts and transformations. There is not better investment to make than in yourself in these shifting times

Financial exchange:

In Human Design one of my 3 Channels is the tribal Channel of Community.

And in my own process of deeper transformation I often wished for someone who could have supported me with clarity and love many times, that at this moment, I either couldn't find or pay!

Therefore I want to give this possibility to everyone that finds her way to me:

I have no fixed prices set beforehand.

I have a clear value for myself, yet I want to leave all possibilities open for everyone to reach out and not diminish the possibility of deep transformation by a price tag!

If you really want to do deeper transformational work please reach out to me and we will find a good way of working together and a valued exchange!

I am looking forward to this unique Journey with you!

A Rites of Passage

into your sovereign Mother archetype. If you feel ready to claim your full Power as a Woman

  • Carole H., Luxembourg

    Every time you come it is as if a part of me that is dreaming awakens. Your loving invitations to deal with my sensations and feelings as well as your persistence when I distract again and again to look at myself on a deeper level. To look and feel and to be able to open myself up in that space is very valuable for me. I feel understood by you and picked up where I am exactly in the moment as I feel. Also it is very nice to see how on the outside in connection with my inner process, my apartment has changed through our collaboration from the ground up. It is good to feel heard and then to see the implementation. Progress is visible and tangible. It is nice to see how each time measurable and tangible moments are there and I can get to know me even better through your support.🦋

  • Martina S., Croatia/Luxembourg:

    My experience of mentorship with Franziska has been deeply transformative. This mentorship has accelerated the results on some deep issues that I have worked on through self-healing. Franziska has a lot of knowledge and the power of deep presence, which helps me to get out of and transform some deeply-stored negative beliefs and emotions. She uses reprogramming techniques which have showed me results already after one session. I am looking forward to every session with her, which always sheds new light to whatever I am working through and accelerates the process.

  • Carole S., Luxembourg:

    Franziska is a great support for in order to not loose my inner Center during the exciting time of building up my independency as a naturopath and hoof trimmer. And a general motivation to follow my dreams, intuition and inner truth. Thank you for that!

  • Liad E., Israel:

    My partner and I have gone to a couple Mentorship with Franziska for a year, on a weekly basis. This was a life changing process for me.

    Thanks to the presence of Franziska, the great attention to small details, her deep listening skills, knowledge of the human experience, and the tools and the skills she acquired, I was able to touch every single session, upon the very root of my actions, feelings, thoughts ... The depths of her questions and the directedness and honesty, allowed me to reach, understand, explore, and transform places in me that were before out of sight or perception.

    Thanks to her softness and firmness, empathy and compassion, perspective and sensitivity, and responsible communication, I felt safe to bring all my parts into the sessions. I felt safe to be.

    The process with Franziska helped me to take responsibility for all that I carry in myself and is reflected in the relationship. Helped me to grow as a man, as a human being, and as a partner.

    I thank Franziska dearly for all her care and love throughout the year, and all the energy directed to our process, in and between the sessions.

    Thank you !